Trust Yourself; You Got It!

Hello Beautiful!
 It's 2013! The year has already started out with a bang for me!  With that in mind, life can be busy and unpredictable,but we must learn to take the time to slow down and take care of ourselves FIRST. As mothers' nurturing is what we do.  We are expected to cater to our children, families, and friends with no complaints leaving very little emotional fuel for ourselves.  We are expected to strive to please others often times putting our needs on the back burner.  Your parents want you to succeed in their terms and follow the house rules, your friends want you hangout and not be so uptight, while your significant other wants you to be there for him, but has neglected to understand how to return the favor.  These things get us stressed out... with no support system... and pregnant. 

Where did we lose sight?  Where did we go wrong? 

Well, when we neglect to do EXACTLY what someone else expects for us to, we subliminally take into our spirit the we are bad, dumb, or not good enough.  In turn, people pleasing behavior hurts us by decreasing our self-confidence, self-esteem, and strength in our own decision making because we ultimately believe that we failed someone else. 

Come to the light honey!

 People will always have their opinions about what's good for you and your family, but understand that YOUR journey is your own.  God has already equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your purpose.  You are perfect even with your imperfections and your very existence is evidence of God's love for you.   Like leaves upon the trees...we are all individually unique.  Therefore, if you're put into a unique situation and begin to feel that you need to please others, you should look within for your true guidance. Ask Him not Them.

  So, today I am asking "How are you and who are you pleasing?"



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